Sunday 29 January 2012



Saya  cukup tak suka kalau iklan2 yang mengatakan 'ANDA MAHU MENJADI JUTAWAN? ,TANAMLAH GAHARU' . Bagi saya, yang penting apa2 pun mula dengan minat dan lepas tu tawakal dgn Allah. Jangan dok percaya, kalau tanam pokok ni atau pokok lainla ,terus leh jadi jutawan..
Dulu, ada makcik saya inform , kat kampung saya kat melaka, banyak pokok gaharu, tapi yang lawaknya sapa pun tak tau guna untuk apa. (ni cerita 30 puluh tahun lepaih). Kiranya, masa tu sapa pun tak tau nak market kat mana. Kalau ada pun , tak tau market pun tak guna juga. So , la kalau minat nak buat tanaman, pilih, kaji dan tengok kemampuan boleh ke tidak. Memangla boleh jadi kaya tanam gaharu, tapi ingat buat penanaman ini bukan senang, kena jaga setiap bulan. Baru pokok boleh tumbuh dengan baik, racunkan rumput2 yang tidak berkaitan. Kiranya, kena kerja lebihlah baru la boleh dapat hasil yang baik.
Sesiapa pernah kena tipu, tanam kayu jati ke , bela cacing ke, ..jangan putus asa. Mungkin ada hikmah bagi apa2 yang terjadi. insyallah  Allah nak bagi yang lebih baik untuk kalian yang dianiaya.


I really despise if there are advertisements which stated " DO YOU WANT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? PLANT GAHARU" . For me , the main important needs to have interest, and then Tawakal to Allah. Dont keep believing ,if you plant this tree or others , direct you can be rich.
Last time, my aunt used to tell that in our village in Malacca , there are a lot of agarwood trees, but the funny thing is no one knows what is it for.(that was 30 years ago).In that time , even though there is market for it but that particular area, know one have any clue where to market it. So, for those who wants to do agriculture, choose, search and see your capacity can be don't or not. Yes, its true plant gaharu can be rich, but it is not easy as abc. Many things need to consider , every month needs to take care, then the tree can grow, need to clean the area. A lot of work , if to achieve a good result.Unless you are rich, then, just hire people to do.No question ask.

For those who had been cheated before, planting jati ,or breed 'cacing' ,do not give up.Maybe there is 'hikmah' for what had happened. Allah always wants to give better for those who were victims of injustice.

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